History of Multiple Myeloma
Multiple Myeloma is a cancer of plasma cells which are present in blood, has been present since centuries. The first documented case of this disease was issued less than 160 year from today’s date. The first patient of this disease Thomas Alexander McBean excreted a certain type of protein, which was studied by Henry Bence Jones. These proteins were further named as "Bence Jones Proteins". The first diagnosis of multiple myeloma was viable when ROENTGEN’S rays were discovered.
What are the other names of Multiple Myeloma ?
The cause of Multiple Myeloma is unknown. Several efforts are going on by scientists all around the globe to know the main cause of multiple myeloma.
Risk Factors
Monoclonal Gammopathy increases the risk of person developing myeloma; obesity is also one of the risk factor in developing myeloma.
Several diagnostic methods are present for assessment of multiple myeloma. Blood tests, bone marrow biopsy, immunohistochemistry, X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT-scan) help in the assessment or diagnosis of multiple myeloma.
BLOOD TEST: Protein electrophoresis of blood & urine is determined. If there is presence of paraprotein (M protein) in the Ƴ-globulin (gamma) region then, it is a case of multiple myeloma. Bence Jones proteins are type of paraproteinBONE MARROW BIOPSY: Is generally performed to find out the portion of bone marrow occupied by plasma cells
IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY: Detects plasma cells which secrete immunoglobulins in cytoplasm & sometimes on the surface of the cell. Myeloma cells are often CD56, CD38, CD138 positive & CD19, CD20, CD45 negative
MEDICAL IMAGING: Medical imaging consists of x-rays, MRI scans & CT-scans. In myeloma skeletal survey shows the punched out lesions on the bones. X-ray of skull appears like pepper-pot skull, CT-scans are usually used for imaging the vertebral column
Signs & Symptoms
As plasma cells are present in every part of body along with blood, their disease lead to numerous signs & symptoms which varies to great extent.
ANEMIA: Due to replacement of normal bone marrow tissue with cancerous cell, the erythropoietic ability of bone marrow is loss, which leads the anemia
BONE PAIN: Bone pain is the major sign in case of multiple myeloma. This is because, the calcium metabolism is affected, due to which there are punched out lesions on the bones. Fracture, compression of spinal cord, kyphosis can occur
IMPAIRED KIDNEY FUNCTION: As there is excretion of proteins in multiple myeloma (M proteins) which are of different sizes & have distinct functions, affects the functioning of kidney in different ways. Increased protein concentration in blood leads to increase workload on kidney
INFECTION: Pneumonia & Pyelonephritis are the common infections occurring
MOUTH: Periodontitis, Gingivitis, swelling, numbness, pain occur in mouth initially
Up keeping of normal body weight.
Treatment is only done when you are symptomatic.
CHEMOTHERAPY: Treatment is done by cytotoxic anti-neoplasmic drugs, including anti-metabolites & alkylating agents
STEM CELL TRANSPLANT: Also known as bone marrow transplant. Procedure in which patient receives healthy stem cells which are capable of forming blood cells. Patient receives stem cells through a catheter placed into a blood vessel of chest region
Although there are several methods which can be discussed, but these were the important ones.
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