
The history of CANCER dates back to era of Hippocrates (460-370 BC).The disease was first called ‘CANCER’ by Hippocrates, who is considered as the father of medicine. Cancer is a disease in which formation of tumours take place. The tumours are formed by certain agents known as Carcinogenic agents. These tumours formed are of two types Benign or Malignant tumours. In 2019 about 18 million new cases occurred annually of cancer and caused about 8.8 million of deaths.

What causes CANCER?

Carcinogenic agents present in carcinogenic substances cause cancer. The carcinogens are classified into 3 main groups: CHEMICAL, PHYSICAL & ONCOGENIC VIRUSES.

Tobacco used in any forms is the cause about 22% of cancer deaths. Another 10% is by obesity, poor health or excessive drinking of alcohol. Remaining percentage of cancer is caused by ionizing radiations or environmental pollutants. Also 5-10% of cancer is inherited genetically from their parents. Cancer cannot be prevented by reduced smoking, eating lots of fruits or vegetables or by not drinking too much alcohol. The only way of prevention is by screening and by proper medical consultance.

Signs & Symptoms

Generally cancer does not have any signs or symptoms. As the tumour start to grow in size, the signs & symptoms start to occur.


  •  Lung cancer – cough, pneumonia
  •  Esophageal cancer – painful swallowing
  •  Colorectal cancer – blockage of bowel
  •  Bladder cancer – blood in urine
  •  Cervical cancer – vaginal bleeding 

These were some examples of signs & symptoms of several cancers, wherein there other types of cancer with different signs & symptoms.

Classification of Cancer

  • CARCINOMA: Cancers of epithelial tissues
  • SARCOMA: Cancers of bone, cartilage, nerve
  • LYMPHOMA: Cancers of cells which produce RBC’s
  • GERM CELL TUMOURS: Cancers of pluripotent cells
  • BLASTOMA: Cancers from immature cells

Cancer causing Tumours

Two types of tumours are present which cause cancer. Namely BENIGN TUMOUR & MALIGNANT TUMOUR.

Benign tumours are the tumours which do not divide & they do not spread in other regions from their main site. They divide & remain concerned to their original site.

On the other hand Malignant tumours are the tumours which divide rapidly & spread to other regions from their main site. They are more vulnerable than benign tumours. The several properties of malignant tumours are   Uncontrolled cell division, Absence of cell death, Construction of blood vessel.


There are several methods of screening which involves Physical examination, Blood or Urine tests, Medical Imaging.


With advancement of technology cancer have became curable to the great extent. Also, combination of medical knowledge & the technology have helped the human race to succeed in cancer treatment.

Following are the methods of Management/Treatment of CANCER:

  •         CHEMOTHERAPY : Treatment of cancer is done by cytotoxic anti-neoplasmic drugs, including anti-metabolites  & alkylating agents
  •         RADIOTHERAPY :  Ionizing Radiation is used for breakdown of DNA of cancerous cell. This is done by aiming of radiation at a particular direction & angle. Healthy tissues & organs must be spared from the radiations
  •          IMMUNOTHERAPY : Includes boosting of immune system by incorporating antibodies, cell transfer therapy
  •         SURGERY : Surgery is the primary method of removal of isolated & solid cancer. In some cases cancer is removed along with the lymph nodes around it so that the transfer of cancerous cell is prevented from migrating to other tissues of body

There are also other techniques for treatment of cancer but the major techniques are mentioned above. These all techniques are used in combination one by one.

Conclusion – Thing to be understood

A plan including diagnosis & treatment is the key component for the control of cancer. Although we don’t know what will happen with us while living our lives. There are some people in the society, when they get affected to certain vulnerable disease they think that in the coming days, months or years they will die because of the disease they are living with. But that’s not the truth, because with advancement of medicine & technologies the diseases which are vulnerable or threatening are becoming curable. People affected with these diseases tend to do suicide because they think that they will not become healthy as they were before. There is nothing impossible, every affected individual should think practically, because with the advancement of medicine the treatment is possible ,which in turn leads the individual towards rehabilitation.


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