
Showing posts from September, 2020


Introduction Inflammation of the lining of stomach leads to gastritis. Gastritis can occur for both long and short duration of periods. Pains in the upper abdomen, vomiting, nausea and heart burn are the most common signs of gastritis. However, gastritis of longer duration can be fatal and can lead to death if not cured in early stages. In 2015 around 50,000 people died due to severe gastritis. Almost 50% of people develop gastritis ranging from mild to severe stages. Signs and Symptoms In many cases the people with gastritis experience no signs of the condition. But, upper abdominal pain mostly in upper left is most common sign of gastritis.   Other symptoms include: Nausea Bloating Appetite loss Weight loss Vomiting ( blood may present depending upon the severity of inflammation) Cause The main causes of gastritis include helicobacter pylori and non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Other minor causes are intake of alcohol, cocaine and severe illness. ...


Introduction Gout is a disorder of purine nucleotide metabolism. Cause joints to become red, tender and swollen. Also, may lead to kidney stones which cause kidney failure .Excessive production of uric acid leads to this condition (more than 7mg/dl). Further these uric acids get precipitated into mono sodium urate crystals which accumulate into joints and cause swelling and inflammation of joint. There are two types of gouts namely, primary gout and secondary gout. Primary Gout: Due to defect in purine nucleotide metabolism Secondary Gout:  Cancer, chemotherapy, psoriasis and renal dysfunction cause this condition.   Signs and Symptoms The most common signs of gout is inflammatory arthritis which is characterized by redness, tenderness and swelling of the affected joint. Usually, the first metatarso pharyngeal joint of great toe is affected (almost in 90% of the cases). As the uric acid levels rise the uric acid gets precipitated and form tophi which gets accumulated in joints...


  Introduction Immunity is the ability of body to resist infection (invasion) caused by foreign agents and to neutralize their effects on body. What brings about immunity? Lymphocytes are the cells which bring about the immunity to the body. On the basis of presence or absence of granulocytes, the WBC’s are classified into two categories: Granulocytes & Agranulocytes. Granulocytes: Consists of 3 types of different cells, namely Eosinophils, Basophils & Neutrophils. Agranulocytes: Consists of 2 types of cells called, Lymphocytes (B and T Lymphocytes) & Monocytes. The cell which is responsible for immune response is the part of the agranulocyte WBC. Different types of Immunities Innate and acquired are the two types of immunity responsible for the immune system of the human body. However, acquired immunity is divided further into cellular and humoral immunity. Innate Immunity: The immunity gain by an individual before birth genetically is called innate ...


History of Multiple Myeloma Multiple Myeloma is a cancer of plasma cells which are present in blood, has been present since centuries. The first documented case of this disease was issued less than 160 year from today’s date. The first patient of this disease Thomas Alexander McBean excreted a certain type of protein, which was studied by Henry Bence Jones. These proteins were further named as "Bence Jones Proteins". The first diagnosis of multiple myeloma was viable when ROENTGEN’S rays were discovered. What are the other names of Multiple Myeloma   ? PLASMA CELL MYELOMA   , MYELOMATOSIS, KAHLER’S DISEASE, MYELOMA Cause The cause of Multiple Myeloma is unknown. Several efforts are going on by scientists all around the globe to know the main cause of multiple myeloma. Risk Factors  Monoclonal Gammopathy increases the risk of person developing myeloma; obesity is also one of the risk factor in developing myeloma. Diagnosis Several diagnostic met...


Introduction The history of CANCER dates back to era of Hippocrates (460-370 BC).The disease was first called ‘CANCER’ by Hippocrates, who is considered as the father of medicine. Cancer is a disease in which formation of tumours take place. The tumours are formed by certain agents known as Carcinogenic agents. These tumours formed are of two types Benign or Malignant tumours. In 2019 about 18 million new cases occurred annually of cancer and caused about 8.8 million of deaths. What causes CANCER? Carcinogenic agents present in carcinogenic substances cause cancer. The carcinogens are classified into 3 main groups:  CHEMICAL, PHYSICAL & ONCOGENIC VIRUSES. Tobacco used in any forms is the cause about 22% of cancer deaths. Another 10% is by obesity, poor health or excessive drinking of alcohol. Remaining percentage of cancer is caused by ionizing radiations or environmental pollutants. Also 5-10% of cancer is inherited genetically from their parents. Cancer cannot be prevented by...